Wednesday, January 4, 2012


.::. hape punya title la kan he3..act kan today,now,hari ni saya pk nk melantak ape je y saya naaakk :)
bkn hape,2morrow monink ai dh nk psg braces tuh so dgr kata byk jugek y xleh mkn..hahaha gila kan,mcm la 30thn kau xdpt mkn dh he3(encik asben,ai nk mkn u jgk he3..ooopss)
dari blog2 y diterjah..mcm ramai y xperience kena mkn bubur je tuk seminggu dua n ada 1blog je dia kata dia hokeh je mlantak ape2 pun after pasang braces..omg btl ke ok je..maybe btl ckp dia"mind set jgn kata sakitt,sakitt n 1 ur doc..ngeeehngeehh..ok set ur mind now (T__T)
owh yaa sbbkan saya nekad nk mlantak nk bedal mcm2 td lunch kat umh mentua,2pggn nasi hokeh..plak tuh ada pebret saya..ayam masak kicap...walaaawehhh terbaaiikk.syg MIL saya..tenkiu,tiap2 hari masak utk kami..nt saya buat n3 khas utk MIL saya.
smlm dh suarakan hasrat hati kat encik asben..

me:  abg(manja2 ckt)...
e.asben : iyer..
me: lama benar xp Seoul Garden kan?
e.asben:  kan last kita p kata dh xsedap..
me: tu lama dh,time peknen tuh.teringin tgk 1 blog nih wat entri psl SG kat juru..pic2 kat cna wat kan mkn2 kat cna nmpk sedap..dh sedap kot.
e.asben :  hehehehehehe

..tergantung di situ,motip dia gelak2 xtaw..saya buat2 ckp hal lain..dia phm tuh saya nk mkn sblm xleh mkn mcm2..
ke dia pk..haih ranap la duit aku lg ngehngeh..

by AkUGaDiSiKaN

braces kaler maler

.::. kali ni saje tempek ape yang puan blog carik dlm sbb dok pk jumaat nih dh nk pasang besi..hurmm teringin nk pakai kaler maler mcm kanak2 ribena tuh he3 tp ok ke??google la tgk ok ke x,jumpa ckt info..

Close up Profile View of anOrthodontic Bracketshowing theRectangular Slot which holds theOrthodontic Wire

Modern Low Profile OrthodonticBraces from Ortho Specialties. These Bracesare Cast Construction, and each is individually checked with a micrometer to help ensure consistent quality and excellent clinical results

Moderns braces are small, smooth, and much more comfortable to wear than older bulkier designs. These braces are cast stainless steel. Each is individually checked with a micrometer to help ensure accurate slot dimensions.  

Braces can receive many colors, even combinations of colors, depending on what colors are chosen for the elastics

agak2 ok ke mak budak cam haku nih berkaler maler bagai he3 tp mcm sempoi je,sure encik asben sokong 100% bila tanya nih..dia kan mcm haku jgk suka benda y len dr y len,pelik2 lg kami suka (^__^)

by AkUGaDiSiKaN